Freezing of supercooled water drops (2023)
Unlocking the mysteries of freezing in supercooled water droplets (
Springy ice seen for the first time may explain how clouds make rain (New Scientist)
New understanding of why supercooled water droplets sometimes explode when they freeze (Chemistry World, UK)
Découverte d’une nouvelle et étrange forme de glace (Daily Geek Show, France)
Révéler les secrets de la congélation dans les gouttelettes d’eau surfondues (Futur En Seine, France)
О чем молчали облака? Исследование раскрыло сложный процесс замерзания переохлажденной воды (Zen, Russia)
The elastic ice first observed by scientists may explain how clouds form rain (Universe in 3000, China)
“弹性冰”何以成云致雨 (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
How do clouds make ice? (TechExplorist, India)
Ternyata Begini Cara Awan Membuat Tetesan Air yang Sangat Dingin (, Indonesia)
Unveiling Secrets of Freeze in Supercooled Water Droplets (Mirage News, Australia)
Será que finalmente descobrimos como as nuvens viram chuva? (Espaço Ecológico, Brazil)
Rocket-like freezing droplets (2023)
Supercooled Drops Have Rocket-Like Propulsion (Physics Magazine)
Gotas autopropulsadas (Cultura Cientifica, Spain)
Ice Nucleation in Freezing Drops Can Be Used in Propulsion Systems (, Turkey)
Supercooled Drops Have Rocket-Like Propulsion (, Denmark)
Shockwave damage in protein crystals (2021)
Kollateralschäden bei Messungen am Röntgen-Freie-Elektronenlaser (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
High intensity sound (2019)
Using an X-Ray Laser, Researchers Make the Loudest Underwater Sound (PhysicsBuzz)
New Physics Research Can Help Us Study How Materials are Affected by Loud Sound (Rutgers-Newark, SASN)
In brief: Record-shattering underwater sound (SLAC News)
Scientists Have Created a Sound So Loud It Can Vaporize Water on Contact (
Scientists use an X-ray laser to create the loudest possible underwater sound (
Stanford scientists created a sound so loud it instantly boils water (c|
Das ist DER LAUTESTE jemals UNTERWASSER erzeugte KLANG (CompactPhysics, Austria)
Top-5 des rares «sons de la science» enregistrés sur Terre et au-delà (vidéos) (SputnikNews-France)
LASER-SCHOCK: Lautester möglicher Knall in Wasser erzeugt (Spektrum, Germany)
Cercetătorii au creat sunetul care poate fierbe apa (, Romania)
Физики достигли предела громкости звука в воде (N+1, Russia)
Bilim İnsanları Su Altında Üretilebilecek En Yüksek Sesi Ürettiler (Gerçek Bilim, Turkey)
Scientists created a sound that can evaporate water (News Track, India)
برخورد-اشعه-ایکس-به-آب-بلندترین-صدا-را-ایجاد-میکند (Student News Network, Iran)
Scientists create loudest possible underwater sound (Technology Times, Pakistan)
水が音で蒸発する事があるの?水中での接触時に水を気化させる程の強力な音を科学の力で作った! (BreakingNews, Japan)
科学家创造出迄今为止最响亮的水下声音 (cnBeta, China)
물 속에서 가장 시끄러운 소리는 몇 데시벨일까? (, Korea)
Âm thanh dưới nước lớn nhất sẽ hơn cả tiếng ồn cất cánh của máy bay phản lực (Viet Times, Vietnam)
Ilmuwan Ciptakan Suara Terkeras dalam Air, Bisa Mendidihkan Air (, Indonesia)
Scientists just created the loudest possible sound underwater (Yahoo News, Australia)
Crean un sonido tan poderoso capaz de evaporar el agua (El Liberal, Argentina)
Cientistas de Stanford mostram como usar o poder do som para ferver a água na hora (, Brazil)
Inventaron sonido que rebasa el impulso de cohete y evapora el agua (Puente Libre, Mexico)
Serial crystallography at MHz rate (2018)
First published results from new X-ray laser (Max Planck Society, Germany)
First European XFEL research results published (European XFEL, Germany)
Europe’s Shiny New X-Ray Laser Starts Showing Its Worth (IEEE Spectrum)
First published results from new X-ray laser (
European XFEL: First images of the X-ray laser inspire researchers (Deutsche Welle, Germany)
Erste Veröffentlichung über Experiment am European XFEL (Die Welt, Germany)
Вышла первая статья по результатам работы лазера XFEL. В ней описана структура трех белков (N+1, Russia)
First experiments at Europe's new X-ray laser reveal unknown structure of antibiotics killer (Desy News, Germany)
Shining a light on antibiotic resistance (European XFEL, Germany)
Powerful New X-Ray Laser Images Biomolecules Like Never Before (
Лазер XFEL впервые определил структуру белка, ответственного за устойчивость к антибиотикам (Naked Science, Russia)
Cubic ice (2017)
Scientists make 'squarest' ice crystals ever (EurekAlert!)
Physical Chemists Create 78% Cubic Ice Crystals (
You won't find ice cubes like this in your freezer (
Nanosized ice crystals might be the most cubic possible (Chemistry World, UK)
Scientists Make The Cubest Ice Crystal Yet (IFLScience, UK)
Just in time for summer boozing: Boffins smash world record for the most perfect ice cubes (The Register, UK)
Int'l team makes "squarest" ice crystals (Asia Pacific Daily, China)
Раскрыта природа светящихся колец в атмосфере Земли (, Russia)
Химики создали рекордно кубический лед (N+1, Russia)
Creating The Perfect Ice Cube (Science Friday)
Tiniest cubic ice crystals: X-rayed (
X-ray laser explosions (2016)
Brightest laser blows up water in cinematic and scientific first (Reuters)
See the world's brightest X-ray laser blast through water droplets (CBS News)
Explosive water display caught on film (Chemistry World, UK)
Watch some water droplets be vaporised by a powerful X-ray laser (The Journal, Ireland)
Röntgenlaser : Die Ästhetik verdampfender Wassertröpfchen (Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Germany)
Laser a raggi X più potente al mondo, spettacolo all'opera (Tom's Hardware, Italy)
Así salta por los aires una gota con un láser de rayos X (Europa Press, Spain)
Se røntgenlaser fordampe vann i sakte film (ABC Nyheter, Norway)
Røntgenlaser sprænger vanddråber i småstykker (, Denmark)
Najsilnejší röntgenový laser ničí kvapky vody. Pozrite si to (SME Tech, Slovakia)
A vízre irányított lézer jó móka, és még értelme is van (, Hungary)
Apa poate exploda? Aceste picături de apă au fost distruse de un laser (Descoperă.ro, Romania)
Испарение воды на самом мощном разере в мире впервые сняли на видео (, Russia)
First movies of droplets getting blown up by X-ray laser (Iran Daily, Iran)
World’s brightest laser blows up water? Bring it on! (The Malay Mail, Malaysia)
看超强X光如何“引爆”水流!(, China)
How Scientists Used an Ultrafast Laser To Blow Up Water (The Wire, India)
X-ray laser consumes droplets of movies (News Ghana)
Watch the World's Brightest X-ray Laser Vaporise Water Droplets (Gizmodo Australia)
Physicists Make Water Explode with X-Ray Laser Pulses (Motherboard)
Caught on Camera: First Movies of Droplets Getting Blown Up by X-ray Laser (SLAC News)
SDR Deposit of the Week: Liquid explosions (Stanford Digital Repository)
Microfluidic ice nucleation (2009)
Supercool microfluidics (Chemical Technology)